The masthead of the magazine also helps to portray the idea of quality by being in a serif font having a more classier look to it, the colour red also helps to keep it looking rich as a deep red is a very rich colour and has the ideology of fame and riches due to things like the red carpet. The white on red causes a strong contrast in the masthead making it grab the audiences attention, this is the magazines house style.
The main image of this front cover goes with the theme of quality rock and indie by the artist being a more mainstream indie artist, helping to increase readership and with the use of panthers a deep dark rich looking animal, that it would cost to get showing that their front covers are not just cheap.
The subtext links to the picture well connoting what we see in th image the words "sexy beast" as the artist Lilly Allen is dressed provoctivally in a sexy way and the use of quite verocious wild animals links to the "beast" part of the text. As well as this the word "wicked" is in red making it stand out and connote that its one of the main hings about Lilly Allen as it is repeated twice and highlighted in a dangerous passionate colour as if these two things represent the artist. The use of Black writing makes the black panthers and the dominant colour that Lilly is in link.
The layout of the magazine is also inkeeping with the higher quality style, being simple and not to crowded or fussy.
The front cover also only uses 4 colours not over powering it, the chosen colours are significant on this front cover as they are; red, blue, white and black, the red, blue and white making up the colours of the union jack portratying the music mag to be the best of the british. The colour black adds a dark more rebellious theme to it so it's saying the mag has abit of edge as does the music included in the magazine. The partial nudity of this feature makes her seem confident and bold, representing the magazine in this light as if the readers who buy it will become confident and bold or already posses these two traits, the fact Lilly has her back to us yet her face towards us engages the reader as well as making them think there is more hidden inside the magazine just like the front of her is hidden, so to find out what is being hid we have to pick it up, buy it and read it.
The puffs at the side of the magazine also add to the appeal of buying the mag with buzz words such as "exclusive" this particular word is also highlighted by the fact is it is in red when the surrounding writing is not, making it stand out.
Institution: Q has been printed by Bauer since 2007. Bauer has a wide audience, printing a wide range of magazine from golf world to Grazzia. Bauer also publish other music magazines such as Kerrang and Q magazine are very different types of music, this again portrays how Bauer publishing are about having a maximum readership and not being true to one style, this is refelcted in the magazine Q as it spreads to different styles of music more than NME however always has the theme of quality indie rock running through.
Audience: The target audience for this magazine is people inerested in the indie rock genre, who are aspirers and fit into social class c1 and above, as there is a higher clas feel to this magazine.
Representation: The representation of this magazine is hight class indie rock, new and past music, that has had an influence on the genre.
Contents page
Language and Ideology : On this page of the magazine they have put the masthead to show that it is Q magazine as well as putting Contents so people know what page they are looking at, and to make it easy to find.
The Q contents page is taken up mostly by the main image, having a simple, classy lay out in keeping with the magazines style. The page does not look busy or overpowered unlike NME, having clear sections each being marked with the key colour red, drawing our eye to that certain section also making it easier to read, the colour of red being the colour we associate with this magazine due to the masthead as well as being a colour linked to music magazines.
There is a main image of the band The Courteeners not looking trashy but being simply and quite blandly dressed not being to controversial for Q as well as this the page reference is also in red making it in keep with the rest of the page, as well as backing up my earlier points.
The sub heading "Oasis Special!" is in a gold/silver colour, I believe this is to back up the fact it is a special, using colours which have connotations of wealth as we immediately associate wealth with rare, important and special things.
The band for review, is very similar to the band at the top of the contents page, creating continuity within the magazine, it also shows a similarity to the idea of the black blocks at the bottom of the contents page, being the house style of Q.
Institution: Q has been printed by Bauer since 2007. Bauer has a wide audience, printing a wide range of magazine from golf world to Grazzia. Bauer also publish other music magazines such as Kerrang and Q magazine are very different types of music, this again portrays how Bauer publishing are about having a maximum readership and not being true to one style, this is reflected in the magazine Q as it spreads to different styles of music more than NME however always has the theme of quality indie rock running through.
Audience: The target audience for this magazine is people interested in the indie rock genre, who aspire and fit into social class c1 and above, as there is a higher class feel to this magazine.
Language and Ideology: This doubler page spread is key to the quality style of Q, immediately looking luxurious and showing continuity of the magazine.
The main photo of Lady Gaga immediately tells us who this article is about, not needing a large title telling us just her name simply in the top left corner of the screen, the fact that Q has an article on Lady Gaga is in keeping with the idea of this music magazine being top of the range as she is a world wide famous artist.
The style of this photo also follows the quality style, having a similar style to a cover shot for Vogue magazine a high end fashion magazine as well as following the black and white antique style often associated with class and wealth. Another reason I believe this photograph portrays quality is due to it's similarities to David Bailey's world wide known photographs which are shot in a very similar style.
The artist's nudity also makes this article feel more exclusive as if she has posed especially and openly to us the audience, making us feel more connected to the artist, her direct focus to the audience also does this.
I believe the ideology of this article is sexy and dangerous, the idea of the chains and the colour red being dominant really brings across a dangerous side, however her soft hair, open mouth and partial nudity create a sexy inviting feel. As well as this Lady Gaga is known to have more female fans, this article makes her more appealing to the male demographic of the magazine.
The letter L underneath the main text of this magazine also ties in with the the magazines masthead, being in the same font and colour, creating continuity within the magazine.
Audience: The target audience for this magazine is people inerested in the indie rock genre, who are aspirers and fit into social class c1 and above, as there is a higher clas feel to this magazine.
Institution: Q has been printed by Bauer since 2007. Bauer has a wide audience, printing a wide range of magazine from golf world to Grazzia. Bauer also publish other music magazines such as Kerrang and Q magazine are very different types of music, this again portrays how Bauer publishing are about having a maximum readership and not being true to one style, this is refelcted in the magazine Q as it spreads to different styles of music more than NME however always has the theme of quality indie rock running through.