Friday 19 November 2010

Analysis of NME music magazine....

Language and Ideology: I will be analysing this NME music magazine, Mastheads are a convention of all magazines, the masthead of this magazine is quite bold however is slightly covered by the main image portraying that the music artists are the most important thing of this magazine even more important than conventions, however we can see enough of the masthead for us to know which magazine it is and for out immediate association to the magazine.
The colour of the masthead says a lot about the music magazine, the red connotes danger, anger and being out there 'in your face' much like the music featured in the magazine and linking to the ideology of it.

The ideology of NME is alternative fresh youth full music being more rebellious.
The main image grabs our attention as every person in the image is looking directly at the reader making eye contact with us, as well as this Beth Ditto is looking over a pair of sunglasses adding an air of mystery or as if we've done something to grab her attention enough for her to look over her sunglasses at us.

One of the first things and one of the most important things of the front cover is the main headline that goes with the main image, as it tells us something about the main image for example who the artist is as well as what the article will be about.The wording of the main headline also links to the type of magazine it is for example the two words sex and skins would not be used in the main headline for a classical music magazine. The strap line tells us also the basic lines on what the article will be about saying "How three punks smashed the mainstream" as well as this it is important that this is in keeping with the stereotypical non mainstream target audience of NME that this band are not originally mainstream and broke the wall between punk and mainstream. 
One of the sub-headlines on the magazine is "blur reunion?" the use of the question mark leaves it un answered making the reader want to buy it so they can look inside and find out the answer to that question. 

The main headline is clever as it grabs our attention using short snappy words and then the title of a very well known song by the main image artist. The colours of the word 'Sex' and 'Skins' are red this connotes danger and sexuality. the colours of white with a black edge on the other words also helps contrast against the red making them stand out.

Audience: The target audience for NME is ages 18-30, mostly being students as it is a cheaper magazine and students live cheaply. The magazine has a social class of C2 to E as the higher social classes go for music magazines such as Q. We can tell that this magazine has a lower social class margin due to its look and price, the magazine is in a newspaper like material unlike the glossy Q.

Institution: NME's institution is IPC media who publish a range of magazines however similarly like NME have magazines for the younger audience such as LOOK fashion magazine, which fits into the same social class and age bracket as NME.
Contents page
Language and Ideology: The contents page is bold and colourful much like the front page carrying over the colour scheme we see on the front, showing that they link and are both NME. The Masthead has been continued onto the contents page, always putting in the image of NME into our heads so we remember it. 
The page has a busy layout in keeping with the target audience having 4 dominant colours red, black, yellow and white. these colours are also the colours we see in the Leeds festival advert, which is a indie genre festival, this keeps it attracting the genre taste in music the audience has. 
The ideology of this magazine contents page I believe is fun and young, trying to promote the Leeds festival as all the colours used are the Leeds fest logo colours which are used every year.
The main story featured in this particular issue is Noel leaving Oasis, we know this is the main story as it has the biggest writing and also has a main image which takes up a large percentage of the page, the image is of Noel and co oasis singer however it has been given a ripped effect down the middle reinforcing the idea of Noel leaving the group. The page reference being in red so it stands out. The caption that goes with the image is also in bold capital letters making it easier to see. 
As well it draws us in by having a brief description of the story, so we read that and want to read more, after just flicking through to the contents page. 

Institution: The institution of this magazine is IPC media, tis publishing company produce a range of different magazines however NME is their only music magazine, this shows how the institution is tailored just like the magazine to its audience. 

Audience: You can tell straight that the target audience for this magazine is youthful due to the messy house style and the bright colours, which immediately catch the eye. You can also tell by the faded look of the paper to suggest a unique style as well as making it cheaper, means it has a lower social class of C2 to E.

Double page spread

Language and Ideology: The house style of NME and it's newspaper like appearance is again continued into the rest of the magazine including this double page spread, even the column style of writing of black on white has newspaper connotations.
The main image links in with the title of Glastonbury which stays as a puff on both signs of the magazine.
Colour isn't used as much as it is in the front cover and contents page I have analysed however there are bands of colour which help to categorise the article and draw the readers attention to specific parts, breaking it up from a boring large blocks continuous writing which are normally targeted at an older targeet audience than NME's.
The idea of green can be linked with Glastonbury as it is a festival outside on a field, green will be the dominant colour, so it makes sense to use it in an article on it, so it makes the immediate association to the audience.
The main photo being black and white creates a vintage aged effect, vintage being largely linked with the indie genre and people who listen to the music.
The double page spread however keeps young by not being filled with just black and white photos as well as having more than one photo on the double page spread.
The magazine makes an immediate reference to it's genre by stating in the caption of the photo "The Indie pioneers." due to them saying they are the pioneers it also makes the article seem important if it is on that band.

Institution: The institution of this magazine is IPC media, this publishing company produce a range of different magazines however NME is their only music magazine, this shows how the institution is tailored just like the magazine to its audience. 

Audience: You can tell straight that the target audience for this magazine is youthful due to the messy house style and the bright colours, which immediately catch the eye. You can also tell by the faded look of the paper to suggest a unique style as well as making it cheaper, means it has a lower social class of C2 to E.

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