Friday 22 October 2010


My task was to produce the front page of a college magazine.
Overall I believe the preliminary task went well, and I thoroughly stuck to the brief. However if I were to do it again I would of used my time better, being more organised.
I believe the magazine relates well to the brief,  I tried to keep to the codes and conventions I had noticed in other college magazines after analysing them, for example; headlines, masthead, issue no. and barcode, as well as including things like this I also set them in a similar layout to how they were in the college magazines I had looked at.
My masthead particularly stands out being one of the first things you notice about the front cover along with the main image I believe this adds to the authenticity of the magazine.
The target audience for my College magazine is student who come to wyke I believe that it appeals to this target audience well it's story lines all being associated to Wyke and by having a college student on the front cover, as well as this the fonts are more appropriate for the target audience being bubbly and young looking, however more to the female side then the male due to a female being on the front cover and the slightly more feminine colour purple, if I had more time I would try to make it appeal to males as well.
The black and white image of the front cover adds to a more sophisticated style keeping the magazine somewhere in he middle of completely grown up and kiddy like much like the target audience
The language of my college magazine was quite simple and contemporary, appealing to the target audience as it was standard English and was not to over complicated, for example "win, win, win" repetition of the word draws the target audience in and makes it stick in their mind.

Contents page

My final front cover...

Monday 18 October 2010

My brief draft for the front cover

Here is a rough draft of how my college magazine will be set out and the story lines I will use.

Name investigation

Here is a spider diagram of my 3 favorite names and reasons why i should use them by doing this I realised that the name 'SPARK' has more positive points about it therefore I will be using it as the name of my college magazine.


These are my possible names and possible fonts for the mashead of my College magazine.

Friday 15 October 2010

1. College magazine front cover analysis

 This college magazine front cover ' Secondary teachers' is aimed at both secondary school and above pupils their parents and teachers, we can tell this as the word 'Secondary' narrows down the age group and the word 'teachers' automatically grabs the attention of teachers as they are associated to it.
The bright coloring suggests a younger target audience however not to young as the colors do not over power the front cover.
The main image of the front cover is dominant as it has the most colour included in it compared to the rest of the page, there for catching our eye.The colours of the front page show it have a mutual gender as there is not a dominant female colour or a dominant masculine colour. The headline goes well with the main picture as it says 'Schools of the future' and the picture includes a rocket and a space liek image as that is seen as being futuristic, the rocket however is a pencil this keeps it inkeeping with the school theme of the magazine.
The masthead differs from its usual style as the letter 'O' in 'Secondary' has a a number ten in, this is due to uit being the magazines tenth birthday we know this as 'happy 10th birthday-- teachers magazine' is also incorprated into the masthead.

2. Analysis of a college magazine front cover...

This is an analysis of the college magazine front cover, 'Secondary teachers' the same magazine analysis however they are very different styled front covers, this one having a double spread front cover.
The use of the front cover carrying onto the back is very effective as it makes the magazine stand out more drawing interest to it as not many magazines have this type of layout, as well as this it compliments the headline very well " Do boys and girls learn differently" as one of the sides responds to the girls learning  by having a female on one side and the other to the boys learning by having a male on that side.
This also helps to identify that the target audience is for both genders.
The colour on each side is differnt to suit the main image, the boys sid having blue writing and the girls side having pink writing however both include the opposit colour on the word 'PLUS' this heading however is smaller then the main headline so the gender specific colour is still dominant on the page.
The masthead of the magazine stands out as it is the biggest text on the page, the word 'Secondary ' being bigger this seems to be so it immediately tells you the age group of the magazine,and the word 'teachers' is in smaller writing as that categorises the target audience even more.

Thursday 7 October 2010

LIIAR interpretation of the brief...

Language - Media terminology e.g. media, close-up and masthead. For our brief we will be using a medium close-up ashot and our magazine will include a masthead.

Institution - Producer of the media text. I am the producer of this media text.

Ideology - System of ideas and beliefs.

Audience - Target audience, who the media affects. The target audience for the magazine are students who go to 6th form college.

Representation - How things are portrayed to the T.A.