Friday 15 October 2010

2. Analysis of a college magazine front cover...

This is an analysis of the college magazine front cover, 'Secondary teachers' the same magazine analysis however they are very different styled front covers, this one having a double spread front cover.
The use of the front cover carrying onto the back is very effective as it makes the magazine stand out more drawing interest to it as not many magazines have this type of layout, as well as this it compliments the headline very well " Do boys and girls learn differently" as one of the sides responds to the girls learning  by having a female on one side and the other to the boys learning by having a male on that side.
This also helps to identify that the target audience is for both genders.
The colour on each side is differnt to suit the main image, the boys sid having blue writing and the girls side having pink writing however both include the opposit colour on the word 'PLUS' this heading however is smaller then the main headline so the gender specific colour is still dominant on the page.
The masthead of the magazine stands out as it is the biggest text on the page, the word 'Secondary ' being bigger this seems to be so it immediately tells you the age group of the magazine,and the word 'teachers' is in smaller writing as that categorises the target audience even more.

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