Friday 15 October 2010

1. College magazine front cover analysis

 This college magazine front cover ' Secondary teachers' is aimed at both secondary school and above pupils their parents and teachers, we can tell this as the word 'Secondary' narrows down the age group and the word 'teachers' automatically grabs the attention of teachers as they are associated to it.
The bright coloring suggests a younger target audience however not to young as the colors do not over power the front cover.
The main image of the front cover is dominant as it has the most colour included in it compared to the rest of the page, there for catching our eye.The colours of the front page show it have a mutual gender as there is not a dominant female colour or a dominant masculine colour. The headline goes well with the main picture as it says 'Schools of the future' and the picture includes a rocket and a space liek image as that is seen as being futuristic, the rocket however is a pencil this keeps it inkeeping with the school theme of the magazine.
The masthead differs from its usual style as the letter 'O' in 'Secondary' has a a number ten in, this is due to uit being the magazines tenth birthday we know this as 'happy 10th birthday-- teachers magazine' is also incorprated into the masthead.

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